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Sound AiSleep

Create kids audiobooks, spoken in your voice.

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Yes, we have created an actual app and yes it has been a LONG process.


Our app lets parent clone their voice and then play any of our kids audiobooks narrated in their voice to their kids. The whole idea of our app is based on the insight we found that a mothers voice is calming to a kid and that even if they hear it over the phone, it lowers their cortisol and stress levels.


Parents can record a couple mins of our sample story in the app to instantly clone their voice, then choose any book, spoken in your voice.


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A bit of the background:

We found this insight that kids are soothed to sleep faster when listening to their parent’s or caregiver’s voice at a time AI tech wasn’t where it is now. When AI voice clones picked up in 2023, we thought back on this – the tech is so much more accessible and the quality of the voices much better. Believe us when we say they keep getting more and more realistic.


So as non-technical founders who also didn’t have 50K laying around to get an app programmed, so we had a look into no-code app builders (which was a way bigger journey than we anticipated). What we didn’t know is how much coding is involved in no code – but after months and months of evening and weekends, trial and error, googling and asking Chat GPT, we finally had our MVP ready to launch to App Store.


We came a long way for not evening knowing what front end and back end means.


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You can download our App on the Apple App Store here



You can even test a book fro free with ‘FREEBOOK2024’ – just enter it under ‘Promotions’


We LOVE any feedback especially (but not only) if you have kids!



You can find out more about it on the website:

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